While everyone may have their own idea of a Types of slot machine players, it’d be a bit foolish to think such a popular game doesn’t have lasting appeal to a wide range of people. Still, some general categories of players can be observed.
Based on the Types of slot machine players that exist, there are four main groups.
When somebody refers to a “slot player,” this is likely the person that comes to mind. Enthusiasts enjoy slot machines, and indeed casino games in general, entirely on their own merit. It’s a fun experience. The flashing lights, bells, spinning reels, and general casino ambiance, win or lose, all amount to a legitimately good time. And it’s that good time, rather than the allure of the wager, that represents their reason for playing.
Enthusiasts aren’t necessarily focused on a machine’s specific theme because it’s the slot experience in and of itself that provides relaxing afternoons and fun nights out. These customers look at their wagers as the money they’re spending. Similar to spending money on going bowling or to the movies, theirmoney is being used in exchange for entertainment.
They don’t chase the big win and don’t risk the big loss because they’re not truly looking to gamble. Penny and nickel machines, or other low stakes games, are where enthusiasts get the most for their dollar. Of course, everybody appreciates having a few extra dollars in their pockets, but for enthusiasts, that’d just be a little extra icing on the cake. With the plethora of casino games available at online casinos, enthusiasts are likely in their own wonderful world.
Perhaps the direct antithesis to an enthusiast is a gambler. Gamblers areall about the money. They are trying to win big and might even put big money at risk to achieve that.
A good time for them is derived from the very act of gambling and, in the end, will usually depend on whether they’ve won money.
The specific theme of the slot machine is even less of a focal point for gamblers than enthusiasts. Rather, they choose what machines to play based on how much money they’re willing to risk in order to win.
Where an enthusiast is simply “spending” money for entertainment, gamblers are either winning or losing when they play. As a result, they often prefer higher stakes machines because they know that’s where their chances to win are best.
Just like enthusiasts, experiencers are in it for the entertainment value. They’ll have a good time at a slot machine regardless of whether they’ve won money.
The difference with experiencers is that it’s not purely a slot machine itself that provides the fun, but rather the experience of the specific theme or game. It’s the nostalgic effects of hearing the music to “Pure Imagination” while helping Willy Wonka find a successor to run his chocolate factory.
It’s the excitement of seeing Howie Mandel instruct them to open another case, just as he would contestants on their favorite game show. In the end, they’ve experienced something sensorial and referential.
While an enthusiast or gambler might choose to sit at their machine of choice for hours, an experiencer is more likely to play a variety of machines. As long as the online casino game and/or theme falls in line with their interests, they’ll give that machine a try.
Seekers are the most selective of all slot players. Like gamblers, their main concern is winning money. But they’re not willing to risk as much to get there. Instead, they look to capitalize on specific money-making opportunities.
Since it’s the perceived value of the opportunity that’s important, a seeker will almost exclusively stick to the machines that provide that particular opportunity. The gameplay and the theme are unimportant. Slot machines with large jackpots, improved payout percentages, or special casino promotions (such as increased comps) are good examples of these opportunities. An unusually large progressive jackpot is almost certain to attract even the most selective of seekers.
In hoping to avoid losing too much money while trying to take advantage of great opportunities, seekers will usually forego the higher limit machines. They, like the enthusiasts and experiencers, are not truly drawn in by the gamble itself.